Friday, January 25, 2008

Helpful Hints

Are you someone that enjoys finding new and creative ways of saving your family money? One helpful thing you can do if you have a little one at home is to make your own baby food! It really does not take much time but it saves a ton of money! I never really knew just HOW much money it saved until I was at the check out line and the lady in front of me was buying up a ton of baby food for her little tyke for the week. WOW! Then and there I decided that I would continue to make my own! It is so simple and and you make up several containers for the week or weeks and keep them in the fridge or freeze them! I have started with veggies for our little one and just cooked them up first then tossed 'em in the blender and went to town! I made an entire weeks worth of meals for her in about 10 min! You can also take leftovers of whatever you have made that night (as long as it will be gentle on baby's tummy) and toss that in the blender as well! Quick easy and hassle free!