Saturday, January 19, 2008


Baking is one of my passions. If the opportunity ever arose I would LOVE to open my own bakery! So, since that is out of the question right now, I have decided to start this blog and use it to share delicious recipes that I have made, both baking and cooking. Most will be practical because the fact of life is we are all busy and cannot spend all day in the kitchen! So, welcome! I hope you find this site enjoyable and helpful! Plus, all the posts will contain pictures!! An added bonus! Enjoy!


The Logans said...

Do you bake pies? I love to bake as well and I have a 1st place prize winning apple pie recipe from my Andy Griffeth cookbook. It's Aunt Bee's apple pie and it's delicious. Let me know if you want the recipe. The crust contains cream cheese which makes it the best! That's my secret baking ingredient. If we could eat baked goods at every meal I'd be a good wife. Sadly, my cooking stinks! Cute website!

Jenn said...

Hey, I have to say that the biscotti was wonderful with my coffee yesterday. Thank you so very much. Have a great day. Maybe I will post today:)