Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie n' Oreo Brownie Bar

The cookie and brownie (not to mention chocolate!) lover in you will appreciate this recipe!!  I found it over here and I am SO thankful this recipe found me ;)  I know our family and our teen group at church is going to love them!  They are so easy to whip up and really don't take much time, especially if you have a kitchen aid to do most of the mixing for you.  I made these this morning and it makes your house smell SO yummy too :)

What the Recipe called for:
Your favorite cookie dough recipe.  I used my own from over here.
Pkg of Oreos (I used the off brand because I'm cheap like that :)
1 family size pkg. Brownie mix

Mix up your cookie dough and spread in a 9x13 baking dish.  You can line your baking dish with wax paper that is sprayed with non-stick cooking spray.  Take your Oreos and spread out making a complete layer of cookies on top of the cookie dough.  Mix up your brownie mix and pour on top of the cookies.  Spread so it is all even on top of the cookie layer.  Bake at 350 for 45-50 min.  Remove from oven and top with hot fudge and ice cream if you so choose.  Then enjoy a little heaven on earth!

Photo Credit 

From my kitchen to yours, Enjoy!