Thursday, October 13, 2011

PB & J Sushi Sandwich

This idea came from here and it is such a CUTE idea!  I wish I had a more creative mind, but that's why others do right?  I can learn from others :)  My kids loved this new look for their lunches.  Just an fyi: this also works with just jelly.  I have a peanut allergy in my house so I made hers with just jelly.  Have fun!

What I used:
2 slices whole wheat bread
2Tbsp. jelly
2Tbsp. peanut butter

Cut the crust off the bread and then use a rolling pin to flatten it out.  Spread 1 tbsp.jelly and 1 tbsp.peanut butter on each slice of bread.  Roll the bread up tightly and slice into four little sushi rolls.

Aren't they so cute?

Photo Credit

From my kitchen to yours, enjoy!


Running With Dogs said...

I still love pb&j!! This looks super fun!