Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tips from the kitchen

Do you find yourself wanting to protect your kitchen cabinets from all the potential things that can hurt them?  The inside of kitchen cupboards can become somewhat neglected when it comes to cleaning your kitchen.  I am not on that like the adhesive drawer and shelf liners and a few years ago I was on the hunt for something different.  That is when I discovered this! A shelf liner that was not adhesive but would do the trick!  They are easy to put in your drawers and shelves in your kitchen and easy to take out, unlike the adhesive kind!  They also help to keep things in their place and have a cushiony feel to them.  Much more gentle on your more breakable items.  They can be found in most stores that sell kitchen items and if you have never tried them before, I'd go purchase a roll and give it a try!  They can run you between $4 and $5 but, if you are a bargain hunter like myself, you can find them cheaper.  I found some for $2.50 at WalMart just by checking every now and then in the kitchen section!  Give them a try and let me know what you think!