Sunday, February 17, 2008

Favorite meal when homesick....

Growing up in my family there were several meals we enjoyed having frequently and coming from a family of 7 they needed to be within a reasonable price range. Now, some of those meals I make for my own family and though they may not seem spectacular, they remind me of home and now my own family enjoys them just as much! This meal is so simple and I know it is a Harrington favorite, it is called "Brown Gravy and Rice". Simple name, simple meal but tastes so yummy!

What I used:

Rice (enough for your family)
1 lb. ground turkey
1 packet of brown gravy mix

Get your rice cooking. Brown up your turkey and follow the directions on the back of your brown gravy mix. If you just bought the envelope of mix it will tell you add one cup of water and pour in the mix. Let it boil, then simmer. Once done you dish up your rice and pour your gravy mix over it. Hardly any time at all!

From our table to yours, bon appetite!


Driftwood Girl said...

coincidence! I was just talking to jason a minute ago on his lunch break and he mentioned how much he loved this dish! huh. wonder if he snuck a peak on here last night or something. anyway, i love brown gravy. sounds yummy!