Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Golden Chicken Bake

I found this recipe in a book I have (tweaked it a little) and was so thankful that it is really easy! This is a great one for those long busy days, it doesn't take much effort!

What I used:
3 chicken legs (you can do however much or little according to your family size)
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 tbsp. parsley
a little milk to make the soup more soupy

Put your soup in your baking dish, add milk and parsley; stir. Add your chicken and bake at 375 for around 50 min. turning the chicken once. I'm sorry for the lack of a picture! I forgot to take one and before I knew it, the chicken was gone!

From our table to yours, bon appetite!


Driftwood Girl said...

i made this a day ago :) late afternoon rolled around and i hadn't planned anything for dinner! don't know where my mind's been. anyway, i never liked the salty taste of cream of chicken but i had it and i trust you, so i plunked it in the glass dish with some milk. added 2 Tbs of paprika and 2 Tbs of italian herbs since it's what i had and then followed cooking instructions for the chicken. took over an hour on 375 in my oven, but everybody LOVED it! thanks ;)